Project Podcast
Around the world, many teenagers experience mental health problems like depression because of anxiety and stressful environments, causing them to make harmful decisions in life.
My call to action is to help teenagers who are struggling with their mental health by giving them safe spaces to talk about and work through their problems, and by making school work less stressful and more supportive of their mental health. - Asher C.
In Finland, students learn better by taking frequent breaks.
My call to action is for students to do better in class by taking 10 minutes breaks after every 45 minutes of learning; it will make them more involved and happy during class. - Dante A.
Teens are being greatly affected by social media. Many people online post false rumors or embarrassing stories of others in a way to harm or affect someone. My call to action is we must help and encourage correct behavior while using social media. - Iris S.
Vaping is very bad for people, especially adolescents. Teens think that it can be very relaxing but in reality it affects them physically and mentally. Vaping could cause anxiety and depression, which impacts the amount of sleep you need as an adolescent. My call for change is for people who work in schools to search kids whenever they don't expect it so they find out who vapes. - Juan R.
Teens' mental health is being affected all over the world right now. The reason why people aren’t taking teens' mental health seriously is that they’re concerns aren't real since they’re still “young”. The call for change is to encourage people throughout our communities to improve the teen mental health industry and restore teens to a better place mentally! - Ashley A.
I chose this topic because I really believe that school field trips are one of the best experiences you can have throughout school and I think they should be cherished by everyone. During the creation of my script I discovered how much field trips impact grades. And I think that it doesn't really matter who you are or where you came from, we can all agree school field trips are hands down some of the most memorable and fun times you can have throughout your education. - Teigan R.
Mental health is one of the most important parts of a teen's life while going through middle school and high school, and some need your help. A lot of these teens are undergoing a low point in their mental health, whether it be from abuse from school or home, anxiety or stress from doing or catching up on work, or a depression that they’ve had. If we don’t step in, it may only get worse, and who knows what may end up happening. What we need is more therapy and counseling, a more laid back experience for those in need, and a helping hand every once in a while. Probably the biggest thing you can do to help is simply talking with someone who may be experiencing this low point. This mental health issue is not invisible, and you can help reduce it! - Owen M.
Suicide rates have been rising in the last couple years, bullying has to do with a handful of these unfortunate deaths. Your actions and words could save a life or harm. We need to be careful of what we say and what we don't say. Let's put kindness into this world and be aware of our words and actions. - Jayden U.
I believe that sports are way too expensive. For example, my sister plays soccer and she has a tournament in Europe that is going to cost $4000. Not all families can afford that. Other sports like baseball, football and softball all require equipment which can be very expensive. I think that the equipment companies should lower prices. - Bryleigh G.